Are you looking to a relax and de-stress? Do you have any lingering aches, pains, or tight muscles that need to be addressed? Whatever your goal, massage therapy may be the solution!

Massage therapy is the hands-on manipulation of soft tissue of the body to optimize health. A great massage therapist should have a vast knowledge of anatomy and physiology within the body. With a thorough assessment, this knowledge is used to determine what the underlying issues are to help solve your aches and pains.

A variety of massage therapy techniques can be used that will have various effects on the different systems in your body, from physiological to psychological. Depending on what ails you, this can help increase blood flow to the area, push out swelling and residual edema, decrease tone and tension in muscles, improve joint mobility, and ultimately to provide relief from pain.

Due to some of these physiological impact of massage therapy, there are sometimes some side effects of treatment. Depending on the techniques that are used, whether it’s deep tissue pressure or relaxed gentle pressure, the symptoms can vary. Some common post-massage side effects are mild discomfort/muscle aches, fatigue/drowsiness, headaches/migraines, redness or heat. These side effects should be temporary and the benefits should very much outweigh them to provide a long term trend toward improvement.

Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability.

The following is a list of conditions for which massage therapy can prove beneficial:

Anxiety and depression Asthma and Emphysema
Back, leg, and neck pain Cancer symptoms
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain) Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Dislocations Fibromyalgia
Fractures and edema Gastrointestinal disorders
Headaches Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and bursitis
Insomnia Kyphosis and Scoliosis
Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease
Muscle tension and spasm Palliative care
Post-surgical rehabilitation Pregnancy and labour support
Sports injuries Strains and sprains
Stress and stress related conditions Stroke
Tendinitis Whiplash


Massage Therapy can also be used as part of a preventative care program. This includes sports training, injury prevention, ongoing stress management, and more!

There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments.  Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being.

Massage therapy could be exactly what you’re looking for.

Written by: Stephanie O’Neill-Beetham, Registered Massage Therapist & Certified Athletic Therapist